Let Me Be Seen as Beautiful

Let me be seen as beautiful
My body, whole and free
Let me be seen as human
Not less than you
Let me express my wisdom
Not silenced by you

Let me be known as precious,
Respected and valued
Let me speak freely
Listen to my words
Trust my instincts
Inquire about my delights and dreams
Take into consideration my needs and pleasures

Fear not when I hold the power

After all, am I not she who co-creates with god?
Whose body stretches and breaks
To form human life, and nurture it at my breast?
Whose heart bursts and aches?
Who inhabits the female essence of our creator?
Bleeding and suffering, a monthly reminder

So then,
Let us walk together in humility and real love
Cracking ourselves open emotionally
Crying, breathing, walking, moving, creating, wishing, hoping, planting
Embracing our passions

Here we will find rest and freedom
Balance and wholeness
Side by side
Hand in hand we go
Truly knowing one another
Let’s discover a new pathway
Into the deep

Sarah Barnett is a postpartum doula, chef, compassionate presence, light seeker, beach chaser, devoted lover and fierce mother to three sons. She dreams for women to discover the slow, extravagant, restful life they were designed to live. Connect with her on Instagram.